Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fourth meeting with Emily

changes I will be making to the work I brought with me............. Besides making a more subtler transition on the shoulder I am going to be considering the self portrait (first work) to be done for the time being. It is nice to let myself move on. The second work is where my focus will be over the next week while also preparing for the third.  Foot study is a playful exercise and I will be carry ideas over from it but will no longer be currently playing with that particular image. (I like the energy of the foot painting as it is)
.......... I realized the other day that because this is a google blog my works appear in a google search so.... as a result of that discovery I have decided not to post the third work until it is much closer to where I am comfortable with it being made public. (some of the exercises drive me insane looking at them now and oh how I wish I could pull them offline.)

topics of interest discussed.... 

I am trying to use the writing/ studying/ reading component of this program as a tool to work in conjunction with my work and as a result of this Emily and I often discuss the topics for my papers and the feedback I receive from Stuart (my advisor).

Art and feminism....
Possibly the male //female gaze issue is done or is done as far as my art is concerned. Don't get me wrong... I believe it is still relevant and a terrifying issue but I wonder if the answer is continuing to directly attack it. "Visual transformation through contemporary media" In my work, I am interested in dealing more with the gaze of the female to other females and or herself..... maybe even just how individuals/ human beings look at each other and or themselves .......and how this is changed, improved, or stunted by modern day visual mediums / technologies/ life styles. These thoughts are still in development.

The video element of my work... more like skyping, face time, or web cam..... interesting for me to consider.

Close up nature of my work.... making things larger... ties it to video/ photography
(when movies don't have close ups we miss them) ....... these means allow work that capture gestures, movements and moments that the eye cannot.....

John Copland.... exploring....
Bill Viola.....
Chantal Ackerman (painting at the MFA) .... Skype based....
.... need to go see it....

I am considering a more abstract/ different direction for the last work. (more later.) I do want to do collage work and I have been learning in photoshop but I am thinking that I would like to address that over the next residency after receiving feedback. Basically I need more time and conversation to really think that through and I have another avenue I currently want to explore... all very vague.... more later.

Painting.... ART.... who is the audience? Artists such as Emily are amazed by the variety of people who come to see her work.... And if painting was going to die... why isn't it dead already? Also... art is a commodity so....... is painting the only form of it that is being collected by the wealthy? And possibly art itself has a market that is shrinking and if so and or if it is only the art of painting that is undergoing this plight.... can this be combatted and how? Can it be presented differently? Is it the fault of the art? The ideas presented? Or is it that using a two dimensional presentation is the stagnant idea?   (Clearly I need to learn more! These are not factual statements and are only the reflections of my thoughts from recent conversations.....)

Painting is for me more of a practice... part of the creative process... it is important because of painting (a very humanistic practice and a close physical study... a physical bringing back of the work... I need to find a better way to say this better ....) not because of the finished work although I am not currently interested in making provisional paintings per se .... I would like my work to be about the entire process... the developing performative element and the other visual mediums as well as the choice to paint as part of my practice.....

What is taboo? (I don't love bad rules.) What is an unacceptable image, or topic and why? Can I paint Dieunie? I am going to and I am painting her as an individual.
Can I paint a nude with a piece of clothing? Do I want to? Unsure.  (more later. )

So so much to say but I need to work on my painting and my paper.....

First Friday was awesome. Great social/ networking experience with other students. Emily's exhibit was very inspiring... also I really enjoy AB Miner and Franklin Evan's installation juddpaintings

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